Although you are permitted to drop out of the Olympics, you truly should not unless it is totally unavoidable. The Olympics is the culmination of the recreational program every year and is part of our program. This is what the athletes having been working so hard for.
Don't regret removing your athlete from this big event, their peers will be talking about it and working toward it in each class!

Gymnastics USA Newsletter

DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 12 | VOL 3
The time is here for Christmas cheer!
important dates!
12/4: Open Gym
12/18: Christmas Bash
12/19: A Very Climbers Christmas
12/21 - 12/23: Camp!
12/24 - 1/3: CLOSED
Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
This month is full of events to get everyone in the Christmas spirit! Not only do we have our Open Gym scheduled for the 4th, but Gymnastics USA will be hosting a Parent's Night Out Christmas Bash! Santa Clause will still be coming to town for this very special night that will take place on the 18th! Be sure to enroll for this event so you don't miss out!
We will be hosting our Very Climber's Christmas event where our Climbers Performance Team and Developmental Team will put on a very magical show that is FREE to the public on Saturday December 19th. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the event will end at 8:00pm.
For those of you staying in town for the Holidays this year, we will be having our Christmas camp on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd!
On behalf of G.USA, we wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas!