Although you are permitted to drop out of the Olympics, you truly should not unless it is totally unavoidable. The Olympics is the culmination of the recreational program every year and is part of our program. This is what the athletes having been working so hard for.
Don't regret removing your athlete from this big event, their peers will be talking about it and working toward it in each class!

Gymnastics USA Newsletter
MAR 2024 | ISSUE 03 | VOL 07
03/08/24: Open Gym
03/11/24: Tuition and 2nd Olympics Payment Due
03/15/24 - 03/22/24: Spring Break Camp!
03/29/24: Shamrock Parent’s Night Out Bash!
Get ready for some exciting events this March! To kick off the month Open Gym will be held on March 8th, 2024. Don’t forget to pre-enroll and bring a friend or family member to join in on the fun!
Spring Break Camp will be held from Friday, March 15th – Friday March 22nd. Camp is from 9AM – 3PM Monday – Friday. Be sure to save your spot!
Don’t forget, on March 11th tuition and the 2nd G.USA Olympics Charge will be processed automatically. We are looking forward to the Most Important Event of the Year! Your athletes will begin learning routines in class this month – we can’t wait for them to showcase everything they’ve learned!Mark your calendars for May 18th and don’t forget to submit your uniform size! You can also pre-order door tickets, roses, and DJ Shout Outs on our Olympic Portal.
G.USA Feels lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community! We’re wishing you a pot of gold this St. Patrick’s Day and can’t wait to celebrate at our St. Patty’s Day Bash on March 24th. Don’t forget to come dressed in your best Irish Green!