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Our Open Gyms are held on specific Fridays from 6:30-8:30 and are a great way for gymnasts to socialize, have fun, be active, and practice gymnastics in a safe and controlled environment. Although Open Gyms are “free-play” style events, our certified coaches are there to ensure fun & safety.




Open Gym is certainly a fun event for all children ages 3-12.
The cost is ​$11 for members and $15 for non-members.


Parents of children walking-4 years old are allowed in the Ribbon Club area during Open Gym but not the main gym. However, 3-4-year-old children are allowed in the main gym so long as they are able to be in the area independently and safely. Coaches will help to decide whether or not a child in this age group is permitted in the main gym at this age group.


Please understand that, unlike some of our other programs, our Open Gyms are not Safety Lock Down Events. We advise you to stay and watch your child the entire event. They are free to leave the gym floor and walk into the lobby at any time and are not directly accounted for by any staff member. If you are comfortable with leaving your child at the Open Gym event, please understand you do so by your own free will with the knowledge that nobody is directly monitoring your child's whereabouts. Staff is on the floor to ensure safety and fun, but at these particular events, staff are not ensuring that children stay on the gym floor.


Arrival and Pickup Policy Statement.

The safety of your child is very important to us, please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your participant so we can arrange proper supervision. Our classes are not "Safety Lock Down Events" , meaning that at the end of the class the child will be released to the public! Please be present with eyes on your child at least a few minutes before the class end time. Camps, Parent Night Outs, and certain special events are Safety Lock Down Events, ask front desk staff if you are unsure if an event is a Safety Lock Down Events. 


Events like Open Gym are NOT Safety Lock Down Events, children are free to roam during these events

and it is recommended you stay during the entire event to keep an eye on your child(ren).

Only for Safety Lock Down Events is the person, or persons, picking up the child subject to our "Three Tier Security Check Out System" which states all of the following must occur for the child to be released; 

Three Tier Security Check Out System:
01) The person picking up the child must have their name on the account. 
02) The person picking up the child must present a photo ID or staff must be able to recognize the person by face identification from previous pick-ups. 
03) The person picking up the child must know and verbalize the "Safety Word" on file or staff must be able to recognize the person by face identification from previous pick-ups. 

Ensure you give the front desk a Safety Word and that all people who potentially may pick up your child from lock down events (such as camps or Parent Night Outs) know the Safety Word and have their name on file. Otherwise the child will not be released from lock down events or camps without further security steps, which can be time consuming.

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