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Gymnastics USA Newsletter

SEP 2021 | ISSUE 09 | VOL 04

9/3/2021: Open Gym 
9/6/2021: Labor Day Closure
9/24/2021: Game Night Bash
9/27/2021: Tuition Due
10/8/2021: School's Out Camp!
10/8/2021: Open Gym!
10/25/2021: Tuition Due
10/29/2021: School's Out Camp!
10/29/2021: Halloween Bash!

September is among us! That means Summer can officially end and let us pray for some cool weather coming soon. The good news is, at Gymnastics USA we are comfortable in AC all year long!

However, with the Fall comes changes apart from hopefulweather. School is in session, and we know that means changes in schedule for our families and adjustments as we move forward. So as everyone’s schedule readjusts to the new school year, don’t forget you can alter your class day and time as needed! As long as we have availability in the desired class, you can change your child’s recreational class. We hope that everyone has a wonderful school year!


We also want to make sure you MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Fall will fly by fast and Christmas will come even faster. Make sure you have the date December 11th saved! Our Christmas Spectacular will be back this year and that means a great party at the gym. This includes Santa Clause, SNOW (yes!), and some great vendors including food trucks! Now no excuses! You have been prewarned in September!

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We hope everyone is enjoying the new recreationalclass durations of70 minutes for most programs! The extra 10 minutes is utilized for one of the main points in the Gymnastics Triangle, STRENGTH! The Gymnastics Triangle is composed of Strength, Flexibility, and Handstands. This trio is critical for success in our great sport! So during that last 10 minutes of class we have decided to primarily allocate attention to strength INCLUDING cardiovascular strength!

Please give us your feedback on this and other things, YOU are our priority. We love ourfamilies and are so blessed to have you all here.

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